Note: At this point in time registration is not required for access to the the entire database.
That being said, some information may become restricted in the future. Also, your registration will help
me stay in touch with fellow researchers and aid in collaboration.
This is the starting page for the Fleser, Layne, Bogart and Tate genealogy research available on SGnTN.
You can get to this page by clicking on the ROOTS tab along the navigation bar which is present on every
page within the site.
Though research has slowed lately, I do try and update my information as time permits, so check back
often to see if any new details have been added. You can find the most recent changes by clicking the
I'm always happy to hear from relatives (no matter how distant) that have found my research useful,
and I'm especially happy to accept additional information or corrections to existing data. If you
discover any records that you believe are in error, please help me correct it by clicking the Suggest
tab on individual pages. This helps me quickly find the record that may contain the error. If you have
information on missing branches, media or for any other reason need to contact me regarding my
genealogical information, feel free to email me at