A Few Toys
Since the release of Terrella and the big update to Super Speller I’ve slowed down a bit with Quiet Spark work. But that doesn’t mean I’ve completely stopped working on personal projects. Continue reading
Since the release of Terrella and the big update to Super Speller I’ve slowed down a bit with Quiet Spark work. But that doesn’t mean I’ve completely stopped working on personal projects. Continue reading
Xcode seems to have this annoying problem where sometimes, most of the time for me, when I select a storyboard warning it will open the file, but won’t show me the item that’s affected. This is becoming a real problem … Continue reading
More and more I find myself taking advantage of XCode’s code completion feature. It’s been in there awhile I know, but it sometimes takes me awhile to incorporate new features into my repertoire. I’m funny like that.
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