Blog Archives

A Rainy Weekend

Streaked Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) Rain kept us indoors most of the weekend sadly. But I could look outside and see that spring was inching its way closer to us and I was anxious to get a closer look. In the … Continue reading

Photographer at Large

Yesterday I got an message from someone representing, requesting permission to use one of my photos in a slide show they are creating for that site. I’ve made all of my photos available under the Creative Commons Attribution license so anyone is free to use them however they like, so long as I’m credited. Still, it’s always nice to receive some notice.

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Project 365: 300 days

Hello again blog. Another 100 days have passed (and then some) and I was looking over my Project 365 pics trying to make sense of what flickr thinks is interesting and what it does not. Continue reading

Project 365: 200 days

Wow, look how long it’s been since I’ve written anything here! My blog gets pretty neglected what with Facebook and Twitter. Usually I don’t have, or am too lazy, to compose any thoughts longer than a few sentences and those two services provide an adequate outlet for my micro thoughts Continue reading

Project 365: 100 days

I’m jumping the gun a bit since I’ve not posted or taken my 100th picture. That will happen sometime today. But I was curious to look at my progress, so there. Continue reading