Yesterday: A Good Day
Yesterday my son and I out went out for a drive in the countryside, exploring, geocaching and taking a few photos along the way. We drove to the top of a mountain, albeit a Short one, and stood there in a quiet place listening to the wind.
I went to the movies with my wife and watched Gran Torino. We enjoyed it. It made me think of my own grandfather, years ago, sitting in front of his home in Center Line, Michigan, drinking his beloved Pabst Blue Ribbon. Of course his temperament was much more subdued than Walt Kowalski’s.
After the movie we picked up the kids and went out to dinner: Mexican food at Camino Real. Then back home for a little World of Warcraft with the guys before laying down for a little reading before bed.
Yesterday was a good day.
Well Done Private Fleser.
This Pabst is for you.