We’re back!
November 19, 2003
What a great flight home. Even with the weather delays, it was a great idea to finally make the trip to Michigan by airplane. While we had some pretty big headwinds on the way up, but we got lucky and had bigger tailwinds on the way back. And it only took just over 4 hours flying time to make it back home. During our descent into Murfreesboro we hit a groundspeed of over 150 knots! Yeehaw!
Anyway, it’s good to be home. Now for that instrument rating.
Hey Casey, Toos and youngens!!! Glad to read that you made it back home safe and sound!!! I hope all went well in MI. Now one thing i need you to tell me, how fast is 150 knots??? All of us are not up to date on that navigational stuff. Now Casey i am willing to let you come up here to Ohio and pick me up and bring me to Tn and then bring me back home after my visit. I am only considering this to give you cross country air time, i hope you appreciate my sacrifice. Well ya’ll take care, and welcome home.
150 knots is 173 MPH. I appreciate your sacrifice Dale! You are a truly selfless person
Hey when’s the trip to Cedar Point!?
Welcome home everyone! Glad you made it back safely.
Thank you for that Casey i am glad that someone finally sees that i am a selfless person, i am always thinking of the other individual!!! You and Melody talk about when you can make the Cedar Point trip, let me know and i will get with Kenny and my sister Jodi about it. We usually go on the 4th of July and spend the day and stay for the fireworks at night. Just let me know when you can make it. I guarantee a fun time!!!!