No Ercoupe for Aaron

Lately I’ve been thinking about buying an airplane again. I do this every now and and again. I looked at all the cool airplanes at Aircraft Shopper Online and play with numbers in Excel and think about partnerships and eventually I finally realize for the umpteenth time that airplanes are very expensive… I have a plan though, as soon as they get that lottery started up here in Tennessee I’ll be all set. But yesterday I got a complimentary copy of Trade-A-Plane in the mail (fate perhaps? hmm?). On the front was a picture of an old Ercoupe (pronounce Aircoupe). These are cool little airplanes with a sliding canopy, twin vertical stabilizers and no rudder pedals! Supposedly stall-proof. Anyway I showed the picture to my 3 year Aaron. “Look Aaron an Ercoupe!”, I said. Aaron wrinkled up his nose, “Air-poop! Ew!”.

Oh that reminds me, Happy Birthday Bill. You’ll always be 17 days older than me 😉