Attack of the drones
OK remember a while back how the school cafeteria people made my little girl put back her ice cream because she had an $0.80 outstanding balance? Well, my wife went and talked to the cafeteria person and after explaining that it was extremely unlikely that my daughter could have misplaced that lunch money as it is all handled through her teacher, Mrs. Nance, she was credited $0.80. Also during that discussion my wife worked out an arrangement with the cafeteria personnel whereby she goes there every Monday morning and writes a check in the amount needed to cover my daughter’s lunch for the week. That way there should be no confusion because a responsible adult is making all the financial arrangements with another “responsible adult”. Problem solved, right? Wrong.
Today Alex was told to put her ice cream back because she owed the cafeteria money somehow. No mention of the amount of the discrepancy has been made so far. My wife is home waiting furiously for a call from the school to explain the situation… again. This time she is hoping to talk to the principal, Mrs. Kellye Goostree. I know that there have been other people that have had trouble with the cafeteria workers in the past. Mrs. Nance told Susie how they said she owed them money for a hamburger that she never ate and of course they screwed us out of some money last year. And again, even if the mistake somehow lies with us, let the little girl have her freakin’ ice cream and bill me for it!
On the bright side, it’s good to see that if Alex’s education stops at the first grade, she can at least find employment as a cafeteria worker in a public school.
Well yes, sorry. Susie went to talk to the pricinpal Monday and the principal suggested that she work it out with the cafeteria people. Susie told her she already tried this once, but she’d talk to her again. Sue talked to the cafeteria manager later that day I think and they decided than Alex actually had a $1.10 credit or something and that in the future should Alex have any troubles that she she ask for the manager lady (I forget her name). Tuesday the cafeteria manager person introduced herself to Alex and they explained to her what she should do in the future if she has any more troubles. Hopefully this is the end of it.
Any update on this? Do we need to get a lynch mob together?
At least you got some resolution from the cafeteria manager! Hope this is the end of it. Too bad you had to run around in circles before getting it fixed.
That is so sad!! Fortunately for me, if Dylan is running low, the cafeteria mngr calls my Mom (who is in charge of the free and reduced lunch program) and tells on me!!! Dylan’s good buddy’s mom is the cashier at their school. One day Dylan didn’t have enough money to get ice cream, so Tammy bought an ice cream for him. She really is sweet!