What’s all this then?

For a very long time now, I’ve had an entry in my Visor: Update web page. It’s been long overdue, and I’m only just getting started. We’ll see if I finish anytime soon, or if it’s like many of my other projects, I begin, but never quite finish.

This site will be a little different from the old in several areas:
– First, I’m incorporating a blog in hopes that it’ll make it easier to update and hence a little more dynamic. I haven’t updated Bits in nearly a year!
– Second, the name is changing to pr3d4t0r. Why? The short answer is the domain is available and it’s my user name in several places, like Slashdot, Yahoo!, Battle.net, etc. So it’s a little tricky to type. Type once. Bookmark. Voila! No more trying to remember my weird web site name.
– Third the geekcam link is no more. Though it may make a comeback if the demand is there.
– Fourth; on the right are the books I’m reading, music I’m listening too, etc. If you click on and then buy these items I’ll get rich beyond my wildest dreams. Which is nice.
– Fifth. Hey maybe I’ll add a web counter… ooooh.

Uh… there’s other stuff I’m thinking about, but can’t think of right now. Anyway. Play around with the blog, leave a comment, or not. Oh, and fans of Wil Wheaton Dot Net may notice a tiny bit of similarity between our sites. Wil seems like a nice guy. I don’t think he’ll mind.

And finally, I really haven’t done much more than this front page just yet, so if you wander very far, you may, in fact, get a tiny bit lost.