Nashville / Griffin Video
OK so a buddy here at work was recently tasked with creating a video for a PR event that Griffin is hosting in Soho. The last couple weeks J has been roaming around the office and Nashville getting all this footage and no one was quite sure what it was. Or at least I wasn’t. There were mysterious tweets and filming of people in the cubes all around me (I can only assume he didn’t film me, because the goal is to help the brand, not hurt it). Over the last week J has been editing all these bits together into a video highlighting Griffin and some of the sights around Nashville, Tennessee. But wait! There’s more. Our warehouse manager, Tom Yarbrough, who will see his album released on iTunes in April, provides the musical accompaniment and the end result is fantastic. Great job Tom, J and everyone else that was involved. This place is really filled with a bunch of bright, creative, talented folks.
If you have any interest in Nashville, or an inside look at Griffin take a look at this video, it really is well done. Also, I highly recommend the HD version to avoid the stutters and audio sync problems. And, lastly, while you’re watching, keep an eye out for some Griffin / Nashville area Twitterers.
Twitter credits:
created by: @blatherskyte
music by: @tomyarbrough
cameos: @davedelaney / @griffintech, @keydesign, @rvalosik, @webslog, @jmrowland, @bradleyspitzer, @camerondaigle, and probably some others I missed.
sir not appearing in this film: @somegeekintn
Update: It looks like the video has been made private for some reason. I’ll update this if it is made public again.
It’s public again!