Out With the Old
Well, I’ve finally made good on my threat to update my web site. It’s been on my to do list forever and now it’s finally done. Mostly. No need to go into all the details, but what I figured would … Continue reading
Well, I’ve finally made good on my threat to update my web site. It’s been on my to do list forever and now it’s finally done. Mostly. No need to go into all the details, but what I figured would … Continue reading
Why hello there old blog! It’s been a while. You’re looking… not so great really. I thought that I was going to do something about that? One of those things I’ve not gotten around to I guess. My list of things I’ve not quite gotten around to seems to be growing. And lately I’ve been thinking about that more and more.
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Some of you may know that I have a large chunk of my website devoted to a little genealogy hobby that I pick at from time to time. And you may also have noticed that it has been down for the last few days. It’s back up now, but getting back up was not at all fun.
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I was skimming the reddit front page as usual this morning and came across a funny (or racist depending on your point view) post: Why do black. Someone followed this up later on with Why do white…. Both posts illustrate suggested search queries that you see when you begin entering a search into Google. Google looks at what you’ve typed so far and based on the popularity of queries it has seen in the past, presents you with what it thinks you’re searching for. The results are an unvarnished look at what people are really thinking about.
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You know when I first designed SGNTN I was pretty happy with the way it looked, but more and more I’ve longed to have something a little less, um, busy. A little cleaner. It’s hard to get motivated to put … Continue reading