WWDC07 Day 1.5
I would just like to take a moment to say that I called it! A friend of mine at work said that I didn’t really say anything in that post. Exactly. Neither did Jobs this morning.
The iPhone announcement was particularly insulting I thought. Of course AJAX based apps can be developed for the iPhone. He should also keep in mind that the very same apps will also run on pretty much every other smart phone out there. Making this non-annonucement one of two “One more things“, was the icing on the cake of a lackluster keynote.
The other “one more thing” was Safari for the Windows. Eh? And you make have noticed from the slides that Apple is not interested in claiming Internet Explorer’s slice of the browser market, no they want Firefox’s share and the other 2 percent? The whole thing was bizarre.
Update: Oh and one other thing… one intriguing announcement was EA’s commitment to the Mac platform. I can only hope this means that the will be a Mac release of Spore released alongside the Windows version.
The whole “web 2.0” apps for iPhone really pissed me off too. I’m glad to hear that there are developers out here that feel this was insulting. I really can’t believe they were stupid enough to present it that way.