Parenting: Expect the Unexpected

You know when I signed up for this parenting thing, I expected usual assorted kid problems, skinned knees, spit up and later full real vomit completely with bits of partially digested… whatever, ear infections, etc., etc. We had a new one today. Alex came running upstairs, obviously distraught: “iwasplayingoutsideandiaccidentallygotarockstuckinmybellybutton”!

Not quite this bad though
Not quite this bad though

“You did what?”, Susie and I both asked.

“I got a rock stuck in my belly button. I was holding it next to my belly button, and it accidentally fell in”. (yeah accidentally)

Sure enough, my daughter had managed, somehow, to get a pebble lodged in there. My wife and I thought it was hysterical, but Alex didn’t really see the humor… nor would she let me take a picture of it. Instead she simply wanted it removed.

It was wedged in there pretty good but all those years at tweezer school finally paid off with the removal of a very smelly pebble. Yeah, for some reason I was compelled to smell it. It was quite nasty.

So anyhoo, just another thing you parents and prospective parents might want to consider having to deal with as time goes by.