Sex Versus a 12 Story Drop

My good friend (and snappy dresser), Mark, has an entirely too inquisitive 7 year old boy named Aidan. An excerpt from an email to Mark from his wife Jeanne:

Aidan is shocked!
Aidan: Considering celebacy

Aidan has been asking more questions about the birds and the bees. Today he wanted to know what it felt like to do the act. I struggled and sighed and said, “Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, well, um, it’s tingly, tickly, ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, fun, exciting.” Aidan replied, “Fun?!!!! Fun?!!!!!!!!! How could sticking your private parts into somebody else’s private parts be fun!”

He wanted to know if Mark and I still did that. I said that we did. He said, “Can’t you just have the baby and then decide to just be friends?!! I mean do you have to keep doing that?? Why?!”

Aidan thought for a while and then he said, “You might need to have another kid, so that you can get a grandchild. Maybe I’m going to be a bachelor.” He thought a while longer and then said, “Well, I guess I might do it just to have a baby. I don’t want to do it after that…………….well, unless my wife threatens to throw me out of a 12 story building if I won’t do it with her anymore.”

I’m going to go out on limb and predict that, when the time comes, Aidan’s future bride will not have to resort to such extremes.