Yearly Archives: 2003

Congrats Bill & Jen!

Well, he finally did it! My cousin Bill (Billy to those of you that grew up with him) proposed to his sweetheart, Jennifer, of like… a million years yesterday at a surprise birthday party that he and some friends threw … Continue reading


Long long ago, I wrote a little trinket for the Mac OS called ClipFiler. ClipFiler was an FKEY that you installed that would grab whatever text you had highlited in whatever application you had running and copied that text and … Continue reading Continue reading

Head in the clouds

Sorry I haven’t updated my blog lately. I’ve been spending my spare time lately planning a trip to Michigan for my sister’s wedding. Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal, but I’ve got it in my head that I’d like … Continue reading

Shocked and Awed

A three post day. Sorry I usually don’t post so much, but I saw this on Yahoo’s Daily Picks and I just had to post it. Shocked and Awed contains a collection of drawings of Operation Iraqi Freedom as depicted … Continue reading Continue reading

Another caption contest

That last caption contest went so well that I’ve just been waiting for the opportunity to do another one. I saw this photo and knew that it needed ya’lls captions. So how about it? Got any photos for the next … Continue reading