Another caption contest
October 17, 2003
That last caption contest went so well that I’ve just been waiting for the opportunity to do another one. I saw this photo and knew that it needed ya’lls captions. So how about it?
Got any photos for the next contest? Lemme know if you find one. Yahoo is a good place to look.
Careful Mark, people are going to get the idea that you don’t like Dubya.
Hey! Look at me! I am a big moron with poo-poo where my brains should be. I lie and cynically exploit religion and patriotism to help my cronies (who bought this office for me) to force their twisted neo-conservative agenda on the American people, replacing true patriotism with Soviet-style paranoia and fear-mongering.
And I got Minnie’s autograph…
Here’s the book Dickie gave me that explains all these durn furriners.
No, I’m not Goofy. This here’s Goofy, see the difference?
Forgive me if I come off as harsh, but the news of 4 dead MP’s this morning really took my hatred of that goon to a new level.
I have a cousin who is a military policeman serving in Iraq. He was called up from guard duty and just a couple of weeks ago got the news that his tour was extended and all I’ve thought about all day is “I wonder if his wife and mother have heard from him today?”
I know the odds are wildly against his being involved, but the news that it’s not my family won’t change the fact that four more families have lost their loved ones in a war based on that man’s lies and rhetoric.
See my grandbabies!!!
I’m thinking Mark might just be a Dixie Chick fan!
This one here is my brother from Florida
I understand that some people don’t care for our president, but remember he is still our pres and deserves our respect and support. And he’s still a waaaaay better choice than the alternative, gasp, can’t even type his name, you know, the last vice president, the whacked out tree hugger.
Our respect and support eh? Interesting. I wonder if this person said the same things during the Clinton – Monica Lewinsky scandal? Clinton was after all our president at that time. Given the reasoning above we should’ve all given Clinton our respect and support. Sorry that don’t wash. I give the troops in Iraq all the respect and support in the world. They deserve it after all, they are in harms way. I hope they come home safe and sound as soon as possible. In the meantime our president pulls a publicity stunt from an aircraft carrier and says “bring em on”. Sickening.
“Ok, ok, as you’ve discovered, I am pretty much a Mickey Mouse guy. And we even look a little alike, don’t you think?”