Star spangled courtesy

I had meant to blog about this Sunday after the game, but I was distracted by football 🙂 But at the Titans game Sunday I noticed something that made me make a frowny face. We all rose and removed our caps for the national anthem as directed by the announcer at the game… except for the women wearing caps. They all stood, but I noticed several around us wearing caps. It seems women that have an exemption that does not require them to remove their hats during the anthem. I’m not sure why this is. Perhaps in days gone by, the big ornate hats that were worn weren’t very easy to take off and put back on properly. But we’re all wearing ball caps these days and it doesn’t seem like it would be that much of an inconvenience. The men and women who have fought and died defending the flag were inconvenienced far more. It doesn’t seem like a lot to ask to remove your cap for a minute or two during the anthem in recognition of that.

Quite possibly someone will read this and tell me I’m being sexist and I hope no one feels this way. There are male jerks out there too that don’t or won’t remove their caps during the anthem too and they aggrivate me just as much if not more so.