ClipFiler is an FKEY that can be used to quickly copy any selected text and paste it into another file on your computer. ClipFiler makes it easy to gather pieces of information from one or more documents and store all of that information in another area for later retrieval. ClipFiler can be customized to append additional information will each clipping such as the date and/or time, the application from which the clipping came, as well as any user defined information.
An example of ClipFiler's flexibility is given by Jon Glass in his own words:
I don't know if you know this or not, but you can use the customizable clipping separator to create HTML code. Here is how I customized it:
I set the file type to TEXT and creator to MOSS. I also set it to not create a new file. I now have a Navigator file on my desktop with links that I have gotten from my email, read-me files, or what-not. It is beautifully simple, with no compatibility-risking inits like everybody else uses. (or memory using, time taking scripts or macros)
Those of you that use Internet Explorer would substitute MOSS with MSIE.
Problems installing ClipFiler? On a few machines, the control panel which is used to install the FKEY, fails to copy the FKEY into the Fonts folder where it belongs. This gives the impression that ClipFiler does not work. I'm working on a solution to this problem. In the meantime you can email me if you're experiencing this problem, and I'll email you a file which you can manually place into the Fonts folder.
Download ClipFiler v2.4
ClipFiler is $10 shareware. |
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